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Areas of Interest


I am primarily interested in computers, particularly programming, which I do professionally. I primarily work with Microsoft Windows languages like C# and VB, but also do professional Java and C++ work on Linux and FreeBSD. Additionally, I have a strong interest in chemistry, physics, and biology. I also enjoy reading anything I can find, and knowing everything there is to know about everything everywhere :)

I also read science fiction, particularly fantasy novels, as often as possible, and pass a lot of free time playing video games. Latest Addition: World of Warcraft.



I have not written many articles from scratch, and mostly like to make minor edits or improvements to existing articles. I pride myself on having good writing and grammatical English skills. Ironically, I have horrible typographical skills, and usually need to correct my own spelling at least twice :\

The articles which I have contributed significant amounts are: Java Platform, Microsoft .NET, and Shared source.

The remainder of my contributions can be found here.