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Diary of Yoirm


Mixed with a dragon egg and a fifth of delicious apple juice, Yoirm (AKA DJ Captain ICCCE Warrior) burst into life wide-eyed and with a vengence. After dating his friends old girlfriend, he decided the daily punishment from that steroid-powered freak was too much and he joined the Luftwaffe.

In the Luftwaffe, Yoirm was responsible for mending the Chancellor's leaky britches. Although stinky, the job payed supremely adequate (which is more than can be said for his lazy brother, Petchov the stool sampler). After serving the wonderful Naughtzee Party for thirteen years, the party ended in 1978 after the death of drummer Heinrich Himmler. Adolf Hitler, the versitile frontman for the band, called it off after the tradegy; Yoirm was florred.

So he wandered Europe for 13 years, selling his legs, ears, and eventually, lymph nodes. He made a great profit off this and moved to Switzerland in 85 to become a successful businessman, selling other people's bodily parts for even more profit to fuel his lifelong dream of becoming world champion.

He was crowned world champion in 1990, right before the Berlin Wall was built. Joseph Von Kremlin Der Stalin was in power of R-rated hair salon Pinks and Things. Yoirm was outraged by Stalin's stupidity and high prices, so he called a boycott with his world champion powers, and Stalin died a sad, lonely death with wife Ivan Denisovich.

In 2004, the Naughtzee Party staged a comeback tour. Yoirm was happy to once again be back with his mentor and gooden freund Hitler. Herbert Finkbiner replaced Himmler on drums. Together they tore it up, and Yoirm was pleased to be able to mend leaky britches once more.---Yoirm 03:13, 15 May 2004 (UTC)

He also has has a doodoo head.