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Talk:Russian phonetics

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The development of /e/ into /o/ under stress: OR с ѣменъ /sĕ.'me.nŭ/ "seed" (gen. pl.) > R семён /sʲɪ.'mʲon/ "seed" (gen. pl.).

That should be changed for a better example, since the oblique form семён is incorrect (should be семян). I could do that but I'm afraid to mess up the phonetic spellings.

I have changed two phonetic symbols throughout the article to agree with IPA in Unicode, replacing ɤ (the symbol for the close-mid back unrounded vowel) with x to symbolize the Russian letter X, and replacing ʀ (the uvular trill) with r to symbolize the Russian letter P.

Non-standard IPA


I noticed you're using the character /ʆ/ to describe щ as well as ч. I've never seen these before and I can't find them in the regular IPA set. Are these used by phoneticians? Could you cite some sources on the matter? Peter Isotalo 13:20, Apr 16, 2005 (UTC)