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User talk:Boothy-Is-Goofy

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My name is Boothy-Is-Goofy, and this is my talk page.

If you've visited Wikipedia even just briefly, you undoubtedly have discovered that most of the regulars here are -- to put it politely -- a bunch of nitpicky pedants.

The phrase "nitpicky pedants" is unacceptable, of course, because it is redundant. I am nitpicky about redundancy because, well, I am one of those pedants.

Redundancy is just one of our countless concerns. Other examples of Nitpicky Wiki-ing include ...

... extensive dissertations on the distinction between "toll road" and "turnpike" ...

... detailed debates about the worthiness of a user's application for an administrator position ...

... refraining from answering comments by users who do not leave names (dubbed by Those In The Know as "non sig articles").

That's but a brief snapshot of these diabolic customs, because the Wikid Ways of pedants are far too prevalent for comprehensive coverage here. To grasp the true brutality of the phenomenon, one must journey to the fiercest of the discussion pages, to the real evil entries all over the entire site.

Wiki-Nitpickiness compels me to point out that "all over the entire site" is an anagram of "to the real evil entries." If I were a pedant worthy of the title, however, I would have sacrificed the cleverness of the anagram for proper grammar; I would have properly employed an adverb and written "the really evil entries."

My name is Boothy-Is-Goofy, and this is my talk page. I welcome all feedback, including comments left by those who wish to remain unnamed or -- as the savviest among us like to say -- "non sig articles."

Thank you, and best wishes in your Wiki wanderings.

Boothy-Is-Goofy February 2005



Your username isn't acceptable, please choose one that doesn't violate the username policy and don't edit with this one; Optionally, have your edits transferred to that username here. If you continue to use this username, you will be blocked. --fvw* 03:04, 2005 Feb 2 (UTC)